Keith Mitchell's Home Pages Keith Mitchell's Pages

Keith Mitchell

Since 2012, I've been running my own company,
which contracts my leadership services
to Internet Engineering nonprofits.

I stepped back from my executive roles at
DNS-OARC and UKNOF at end 2023,
and am open to non-exec/advisory positions.

I'm based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
Please contact me if you'd like to know
more about my work.

Keith Windsurfing Contacting me by E-mail
Contacting me by Phone

My Diary
Keith at UKNOF

Short Biography
Keith on: LinkedIn, Diaspora, Medium, Mastodon, Bandcamp
Presentations and Blog posts

DNS Operations Analysis and Research Center

UK Network Operators' Forum - Events Archive

IXP Neutrality
Open Rights Group


Laptop Linux

Activity Archive